The Major Races of Alosha







From a distant realm, they arrived several thousand years ago and settled in the lands of the west of the main continent. They are generally quiet and don’t travel much, being a spiritual sort of community. They have formed loose alliances with lizardmen and troglodytes of the area, but generally don’t deal well with other lizard beings.


The various planetouched races (Genasi, Aasimar, and Tiefling) do exist in Alosha, but are very sparse and have no organization of their own. Most Genasi tend to be in the Empire of the Jade Dragon and are revered as holy beings. Tieflings are generally seen as demonic and driven from places, and as such generally keep themselves on the move and don’t show their nature. Aasimar are looked at strangely and muttered about behind their backs, but not given any open hostility. The races are exactly as described in the Forgotten Realms books including the same level equivalents.


Living in the forests and part of the Elven Alliance, faeries have become a little more militant and grim in their outlook. They don’t take kindly to outsiders and treat everyone with a veil of suspicion until they get to know them. Their parties are not held as frequently, but with more jubilation. All faeries carry weapons and have a darker sense of humor, but not enough to cause damage to those undeserving. The only exception is the Unseelie court which has formed a loose alliance with the Goblinoid Collective, but to what end is not known. Some believe that they will eventually turn against the Collective after crippling them, but the truth is not known. The races are exactly as described in the Mythic Races book with the exceptions noted above.
