
At this time, not much is here, as the world is still under construction. As time goes by and more is added, the page will take shape and become the perfect resource for the role-playing world of Alosha.

This world is a brain-child of Tseran, and has been in the works since early 2002, when the idea was first conceived. The idea of the world was simple at first, with just one key concept being the focus, but since then, the world has evolved.

The world currently is not in play anywhere as of yet, due to being still in development. Once it is ready, expect to see online games as well as games run in person by Tseran himself. All games in the world of Alosha must first be sanctioned.

The basics which have been written so far are online now, to give people an idea of the basic concept of the world. The information is not permanent, and may change in time. However, everything on here is considered copyright, and unauthorized use is prohibited by copyright laws and punishable by law.

Any questions or comments please Email Tseran.

This webpage designed and maintained by

Dragon Rift Studios

Contact them at tseran@dragonrift.com